Wednesday, June 17, 2009

just some shit

so we had this show on saturday and kevin couldn't make it. usually we'd be like whatever but it was a pretty sweet show and we didn't wanna pass it up so miles, rafa and myself attempted a three-piece set. rafa on bass, miles on drum, and yours truly on guitar and vokillz. surprisingly it didn't turn out a total disaster. we missed our little kevy but it was still a fun show. so i just wanted to take this post to thank everybody at that show and all the bands that played and cameron. i also wanted to do some advertisement for our boy evan. cuz in addition to our always amazing snapshots from ANGELA, we got some sweet pictures from him. so take the time and check out his photostream HERE.

also it was rafa's graduation today. hooorraayyy!

stay classy, j.

Monday, June 1, 2009

kewl shit

aite so, we've been hitting the studio this week and shit's going pretty good. everything sounds kickass. i would elaborate but i kinda wanna play some halo.

also, kevin ran over an opossum about half an hour ago. it was hella fuck sick. i was especially excited due to my deep hatred for those scummy creatures. an opossum ate my turtle in seventh grade. fuck that.

party on, j.