Wednesday, September 22, 2010


i got my rot-tooth ripped out today. thought i would share.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

almost professional

show at infusion yesterday was kewl (^^^^). practice tonight was syk. wrote another new song. just thought i would post something. gotta get into the habit. l8r


Sunday, September 5, 2010

it's been awhile

yo, a lot of shit has been going on lately and i've gotten hella lazy. we've been playing some shows and writing some songs. we got about seven new songs and we're gonna be recording a few of them within the next two weeks for some splits. we also got a two month tour in the process of being booked for december. and there's a few sweet shows we got coming up and i'll put the fliers up when they're made. we're sold out of our first batch of human traffic cds and another batch is on it's way. this time we're printing on jewel cases with more artwork. hopefully we'll be printing some new shirts this week too. i'm gonna get back into the habit of posting again. don't hate. l8r


Tuesday, April 20, 2010


TITLE TRACK help me peel my face off the floor. we're both too young for this war. we'll dig ourselves sick


THRENCHKNIFE ....why can't i feel anything? can someone please convince me that i am still real? (still flesh and bone). cause i pissed in "god's" eye and now we're being bred for suicide. when does it get better?

MOSKOW i've been screaming for days but nobody's listening. nobody cares. we're just another blank page in their book. maybe one day they'll write of us. please tell me how to live my life, please tell me to fall in line. white faces....all i see are white faces staring back at me through the glass

WOLFFSPIT pigs with human faces at my ankles: staring, drooling over my flesh. we're drowning dreams in our own filth and we're drowning the foxes in piss. i'm living off the dirt under my fingernails. it's all i can stomach these days

THE BAD DAD BLUES they keep feeding me what i can't swallow. all i taste is salt and i can't fucking breathe. i've got the bad dad blues. you've got the bad dad blues. we got it bad

VIVA LA CHEEVA man is crippled and dead in his sin. i'm sorry your faith is a lie. i'm sorry your god is a waste of time. my teeth are just two rows of broken glass, when i speak it drowns the words in blood. this dungeon is our home, these insects are our family and the screws in my head keep digging deeper

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Tuesday, March 30, 2010

sup holmes

human traffic pre-orders are up on the ignite webstore. check it out


we have one of the songs from human traffic up for free download. get it HERE.

next level shit

okay so i haven't posted anything in awhile. shit's been kinda hectic. first things first, we're now signed to ignite records and radical friends records. our new LP "Human Traffic" comes out april 20th. we're also putting out a cassette with the "Same Skin" EP and two demo songs we recorded in december on it. the cassette and the LP cd will be available from ignite while radical friends is putting out the LP on vinyl. we're also making new shirts within the next week or two. we gotta ten day tour coming up in may. i'll put up the dates on a new post. so shit's going really good and i'd love to write more but i actually really wouldn't, soo......


Tuesday, February 2, 2010

shit holmes

i couldn't think of a picture. watch miles ice skate hahahaha

i kinda suxx at posting frequently. a lotta shit's been flying around so i haven't really bothered to post. cuz with fixing the van, writing new shit, vegas, trying to figure all the label stuff out, etc....shit's hectic. i'll write something real maybe this week.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

upcoming shows

i got the bad dad blues

so (below) tour ain't happening no more, for us at least. but ima leave it up anyways because i really like the post title i came up with lolzz. this post title is pretty good too though. don't try to steal bad dad blues by the way, cuz we just named the song we wrote today that. fucking vultures. but anyways, i haven't posted in a while so here's some shit. we're signing to a label. i don't know if i'm allowed to say who yet, but we iz. so we're hitting the studio within the next two weeks. if all goes according to planed, we should have our new album out by march with a tour to follow. and if you haven't checked the myspace lately, there's two new demo songs we recorded last week for a little taste of what the new stuff sounds like. they won't be on the cd cuz they're the two throw away songs lol. but i'll give away some spoiler shit if anyone cares. the album is called "human traffic" and it's gonna be eight tracks. shit's mean. but we got some cool shows coming up ima post the flyers up next. l8r
